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Artix Linux[szerkesztés]


CL vim mc htop wget curl openssh sshfs autossh net-tools dnsutils screen tmux strace lsof rsync pigz pixz lbzip2 lm_sensors git pv expac
X, WM xf86-video-* arandr sddm artix-sddm-theme i3 dmenu terminator lxappearance gnome-themes-extra
NetworkManager dhcpcd networkmanager network-manager-applet networkmanager-openrc
Multimedia volumeicon mplayer smplayer moc vlc audacious alsa-utils
lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libpulse pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol 
Userland feh viewnior evince gnome-calculator geany gvfs audacity thunderbird dunst chromium unzip unrar gnome-keyring guake redshift calibre youtube-dl
gyazo perl-file-mimeinfo
Fonts ttf-dejavu cantarell-fonts ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-linux-libertine ttf-liberation
libs libpng
dev [base-devel] jdk8-openjdk icedtea-web remmina vinagre tigervnc rdesktop
yay gohufont firefox-developer android-sdk-platform-tools ttf-ms-fonts dropbox


steam-native steam lib32-openal lib32-nss lib32-gtk2 lib32-gtk3 lib32-libcanberra lib32-gconf lib32-dbus-glib lib32-libnm-glib lib32-libudev0-shim lib32-libvdpau lib32-libpulse lib32-libva


  /usr/bin/vendor_perl/mimeopen -d $file.EXT

GRUB Legacy[szerkesztés]

  • edit pkgbuild -> autoreconf -i


 echo HandleLidSwitch=ignore >> /etc/systemd/logind.conf
 systemctl restart systemd-logind


Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
  pacman-key --populate && pacman-key -r 5EE46C4C && pacman-key --lsign-key 5EE46C4C

  pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate archlinux
  pacman-key --refresh-keys

ThinkPad UltraNav xorg conf[szerkesztés]

Section "InputClass"
	Identifier	"Trackpoint Wheel Emulation"
	MatchProduct	"TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"
	MatchDevicePath	"/dev/input/event*"
	Option		"EmulateWheel"		"true"
	Option		"EmulateWheelButton"	"2"
        ## set Emulate3Buttons to true to allow middle click (01/07/13)
	Option		"Emulate3Buttons"	"true" 
	Option		"XAxisMapping"		"6 7"
	Option		"YAxisMapping"		"4 5"

PAC Manager on perl updates[szerkesztés]

rebuild all perl deps

rough list: perl-net-arp perl-crypt-rijndael perl-expect perl-gnome2-vte perl-gnome2-gconf perl-gtk2-ex-simple-list perl-gtk2-uniq ue perl-io-stty perl-net-arp perl-socket6 perl-yaml uuid

ha valamelyik sz*kszik PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1 a build()-be

GTKSourceView rebuild! perl-gtk2-sourceview2



CL vim app-misc/mc htop wget links curl openssh sshfs   eix pfl gentoolkit   btrfs-progs net-tools bind-tools sys-fs/mtools dosfstools app-misc/screen tmux strace lsof rsync pigz pixz lbzip2 lm_sensors git cronie
X, WM xorg-server xinput xeyes arandr lxdm i3 dmenu terminator xterm conky lxappearance gtk-engines wmname
GTK FlatStudio
NetworkManager dhcpcd networkmanager network-manager-applet netctl ifplugd wpa_actiond wpa_supplicant
Multimedia volumeicon mplayer moc vlc audacious alsa-utils apulse
lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libpulse pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol 
Userland feh viewnior hexchat evince gnome-calculator geany thunar thunar-volman gvfs audacity thunderbird dunst deluge chromium unzip unrar gnome-keyring ubuntu-font-family
ttf-dejavu cantarell-fonts  ttf-linux-libertine ttf-liberation perl-file-mimeinfo
libs libpng
pacaur gohufont firefox-developer android-sdk-platform-tools ttf-ms-fonts flashplugin-focusfix pepper-flash

cower pacaur

steam-native steam lib32-openal lib32-nss lib32-gtk2 lib32-gtk3 lib32-libcanberra lib32-gconf lib32-dbus-glib lib32-libnm-glib lib32-libudev0-shim



  • apt-get install ntfs-config
  • cd /sbin && ln -s mount.ntfs-3g mount.ntfs

Altalanos tapasztalatok[szerkesztés]


gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true

WINE + foobar2000 + pulseaudio + ALSA[szerkesztés]

foobarban : semmi DSP, vagy RG processing, mert attol szar a hang!

lib32-libmpg!!!! lasd:


By default sound issues may arise when running Wine applications. Ensure only one sound device is selected in winecfg. Currently, the Alsa driver is the most supported.

You'll need to install the lib32-alsa-lib optdepend on x86_64.:

If you want to use OSS in Wine, you will need to install the oss package. The OSS driver in the kernel will not suffice.

If winecfg fails to detect the audio driver (Selected driver: (none)), configure it via the registry:

Configuring Sound[szerkesztés]

Occasionally when your sound driver has some bugs (aRts seems to be regularly mentioned), you cannot successfully run winecfg to set up sound for Wine. This has been noticed and worked on several times, with a measure of success. However, you can easily work around this problem using regedit, the registry editor. Don't be too fearful of working with the registry. Make a backup if needed and lets dive in and get our feet wet. (Don't forget that wine can be 'reinstalled' rather quickly by deleting all the files in .wine and typing winecfg, but just as a reminder...make sure to backup any files you need first.)

Run "wine regedit", and locate the path:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Drivers

Change the value of the key "Audio" according to your system. If this is a fresh install, the "Audio" key may not be present, so just create a new one. This key is created when winecfg saves changes for the first time.

  • Audio = "" to disable the default sound driver
  • Audio = "OSS" to select the OSS sound driver. (This value has been reported as case sensitive)
  • Audio = "ALSA" to select the ALSA sound driver.

Disabling the sound driver has allowed the Audio tab in winecfg to work on some systems, but on systems with aRts this may not work. Selecting the sound driver with winecfg will allow sound to work for your applications even if the Audio tab crashes.

VNC, VMWare [Ctrl]+[Alt]+F_[szerkesztés]

[Alt]+ [<-]/[->] nagyon hasznos dolog figyelem! X-bol ez nem fog kivaltani! Also, VMWare eseteben a [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Space]+F_ mukodhet neha.

VMware 8[szerkesztés]

fun with modules[szerkesztés]

  • modprobe


modprobe vmnet

VMware-networks --start


missing vmware-USBArbitrator

Itt, vagy ha megszunt, comment az oldal forrasaban. 00F5232E

Elfosott FAT javitas[szerkesztés]


  • >Create a new log file
  • [Choose Disk]
  • >Intel/PC partition
  • >Advanced
  • [Choose Partition]
  • >Boot
  • >Repair FAT
  • [Accept Defaults]
  • [Write]
  • >(Q)uit until exited